SCI Student Chapter at Truman State University

Truman State University's SCI student chapter is called the "Mostly Live Composers Society." We meet every Friday and discuss current compositions in progress or recently completed by members of the group. We also organize fund-raising in order to host guest composers from around the country.


Contact information for MLCS Members: Andrew William Steinbeck


Truman Sate Guest Composers: Co-sponsored by Phi Mu Alpha, Sigma Alpha Iota, and Mostly Live Composers Society
David Aaberg Samuel Adler
Neil Anderson Himmelspach Charles Argersinger
Stacey Barelos Bruce Benward
Christopher Biggs Cary Boyce
Robert Constable
Robert Convery Eric Ewazen
Vivian Fung Randy Haldeman
Walter Halen Tayloe Harding
Paul Hayden James Hearon
Christopher Frye Nebojsa Zivkovic
Jeffrey Hoover Derek Kelleer
Mark Koval Libby Larsen
Leonard Mark Lewis Mary Lynn Lightfoot
Bruno Louchouarn Brendan Loula
Eric Mandat Frank Mantooth
John Rose McLean Mix
Janis Mercer Sharon Moe Miranda
Katherine Murdock Paul Richards
Paul Richards Mark Scearce
Ronald Shroyer Charles Smith
Steven Snowden Jared Spears
Mark Spraggins Nolan Stolz
Matthew Tommasini Joseph Turin
Thomas Wegren Menachim Weisenberg
Menachim Weisenberg Mark Wooldridge
Charles Rochester Young Mark Zantner