Joe Jaxson (He/Him/His) (b.2000) from Staunton, Virginia is a student at James Madison University studying for his B.M. in Composition. He was named an honorable mention in the Young Composers Competition – JMU 37th Contemporary Music Festival at the high school division in 2017 for his brass quartet, “Tranquil, Pulse, and Drive!”. In 2018, he wind ensemble piece, “Fanfare and Celebration” was selected for recognition at the VMEA (Virginia Music Educators Association) Composition Festival during its annual conference. Joe's piece, "Fanfare and Overture for Orchestra" was recently selected by the Concerto Chamber Orchestra 2020 Call for Scores as one of it's winners for their upcoming season. in addition to composing, Joe loves to arrange for any number of ensembles. In August 2020, he arranged the instrumental to a newly released single, "Rooftop" by Georgia Saunders.